Are Good Intentions Bad?

Are good intentions bad? Having good intentions without action is not good enough.

USA Today featured an article last December, reporting that 90% of people making their new years resolutions don’t follow through with their goals.  When making a New Year resolution, people often look outside themselves to improve their circumstances, when the answer lies within.  The results you are getting right now, good or bad are the effect of a deeper cause.  There are literally invisible forces holding people back from unveiling their enormous potential.

In fact, most people are not even aware of those invisible forces holding them back are programmed into the subconscious mind.  As a result, we all here hear these good intention statements all the time, I’ll do that someday or when the timing is right I’ll make a decision to move forward. “Someday” is not on the calendar last time I checked. Good intentions are not enough to make a difference in your life or in the lives of the people you serve.

Best-selling author, John Maxwell says, “unless good intentions turn into intentional living, nothing happens.” Most people want to live lives of significance, but many feel stuck and their programmed belief systems convinced they will never achieve it. They know they have to have an amazing idea or gifts that make a difference in the lives of those around them but fall short and their dreams never become reality.

It takes true intention that involves making decisions and taking actions to break the sub-conscience patterns of failure. Good intentions are about hoping for something to happen whereas living intentionally is about making firm decisions and taking daily steps to make things happen.  It’s not enough to be talented or gifted.

Just get started!  Every major accomplishment that’s ever been achieved started with a first step. Sometimes it’s hard; other times it’s easy. But no matter what, you have to get started and take the first steps to accomplish anything in life. Start by receiving 30 days of intentional living with our free gift. Start living intentionally today.
