Design Your Success Blueprint

Most of us know that pulling the million-dollar slot or winning the lottery is a pipe-dream at best. A Success Blueprint does not happen by chance but by careful design, planning, and consistent action. It is interesting that scientific research has discovered that our DNA Blueprint is embedded in every cell of our body.

Our Unique Success blueprint contains instructions for every bodily function and every system. We can support and enhance the health and dynamics of our internal systems by getting plenty of rest, getting proper nutrition, and monitoring our self-talk and what we listen to. We can create a healthy environment.

Human beings have the unique power to create, grow and change. Whether we participate or not, our belief system and habits both good and bad, affect us. We can participate by consciously making modifications and enhancements to our plan or we can leave our plan to chance. We can choose to be a spectator, sit back and let life happen, or we can make things happen.

Have you worked on your plans lately? Everyone has a unique purpose to fulfill. I believe that during our short time here, we should be passionately involved in the design and execution of our personal plan. The fact is, if we decide not to participate in creating our plans, something or someone else will.


In physics, the 2nd Law of thermodynamics, referred to as entropy or the law of disorder, pretty much sums up our dilemma. In simple terms, the 2nd law says; Our world moves toward a greater state of randomness or disorder. So without a plan and action, stuff will continue to pile up. Our lives do not organize themselves, without us.

If you left your house for three months unattended when you returned, would you expect to find your mail and newspapers neatly stacked on your steps in a nice organized pile? Would you expect your lawn and flower beds to be perfectly groomed and maintained? You would expect a mess!

Overcoming entropy and embracing personal growth and development requires thoughtful planning and action. It doesn’t happen by chance but requires personal motivation and just flat-out energy.

The creative and design process requires that we exert energy and actively pursue our end result. There are two important laws of nature that clarify my point.

  • The 1st Law of Thermodynamics says: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
  • The 2nd Law says: The universe moves toward a greater state of randomness and disorder.

I’ll put it in simple terms: The 1st law says: You can’t get something for nothing and the 2nd law says, “you can’t even get what you paid for!”

I started designing my success blueprint over twenty years ago. I became a student of network marketing, personal motivation, and success principles. Not only did I learn but I made myself accountable to my success mentors. I received my success education while driving around in my company truck in the mid-80s. A SuccessMentor is critical! I averaged two hours a day of learning, growing, and getting inspired about my future. Each day I took a step closer to freedom. I was creating an exciting vision of my future.
