Be Consistent Not Seasonal

Sales forecasting tools are not necessary when people are hot or cold. Consumers react to the conditions at hand. But no one wants to buy a wood stove or snow tires in the Summer or get their furnace serviced. Most wait until the last minute when everyone needs it. We’re having record cold weather in Seattle and furnace sales are booming.

Last Summer in Seattle we experienced record 100-degree weather. The tanning salons were empty and air-conditioned restaurants boomed. AC units sold out and fans flew off the shelves. HVAC companies had record installations and sales.

All businesses revolve around times, seasons, slow times, and busy times. When is the best time to get a deal on an air conditioner or new furnace? Certainly not when everyone needs one.

Why do people wait until the last minute and choose to stand in line? That’s way too deep of a conversation for now. But I will say that anticipation and preparation are critical in marketing. Smart marketers are staying abreast of trends and discovering the niches within those trends. Prospecting for business should be a constant activity not seasonal.

Stay active during all seasons. Jim Rohn uses the parable of the Sower to illustrate business prospecting. A wise sower keeps sowing regardless of the season, conditions, objections, and obstacles. Just keep sowing.

Consistent, simple, daily effort in your business keeps you sharp and on top of your game. Being consistent rather than seasonal will reap the rewards.
