Will money make you happy? Zig Ziglar once said; “money is not everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen”
Its true lack of money can be stressful and make us unhappy. But is money really what makes us happy? What comes first, happiness or money? Many think, “If I only had more…then I would be happier. Is this really true or is it the other way around?
What came first — the chicken or the egg? My experience has led me to believe that success happens in my life because I am happy. I am happiest when I am in the process not at the destination. Victory is sweet but I love new challenges. I like to build, grow, create and embrace the struggles that lead to accomplishing a goal. I don’t know that there is evidence that suggests people’s happiness increases with their wealth.
Quoted in a recent article from
Living Happy Magazine, Charles Richards, author of
The Physiology of Wealth agrees. “It’s no coincidence that money is also called currency, taken from the word
current—the flow of electric charge through a conductor,” he writes. “Learning to manage money responsibly and serve others is like being able to use electric current in a productive manner. We can become powerful transformers for the currency of society. How we use that power is a great responsibility.” If you’d like to read more,
see this article.
ook, Geller shares a core message that money is not security or freedom. It’s not going to turn an unhappy – See more at: http://www.livehappymagazine.com/work/money/does-money-really-make-people-happier?id=dianekay#sthash.W6IWcBgy.dpuf