Who Are You Attracting Into Your Life?

Who are you attracting into your life? People tend to flock to personal philosophies and ideologies.

We’ve all heard the old saying “birds of the feather flock together. Like birds, people tend to flock to personal philosophies and ideologies. But unlike birds that instinctively fly south for the winter, human beings are capable of making decisions and experiencing enormous change. We are not driven purely by instinct but are gifted with an ability to develop thoughtful intuition. Instinct is an impulsive, survival mechanism, whereas intuition is founded on a learned collection of experiences. One can begin to completely change their life in a very short time. We can make drastic, positive decisions and changes that are reflected in how we look, how we dress, what we watch, what we listen to, and with whom we associate with.

Who you are is who you attract – John Maxwell

I learned from my mentors a long time ago that our personal, physical, spiritual, and financial net worth will likely be determined by an average of the five or six people with whom we spend most of our time. Thankfully, I took their advice to heart. Many years ago, in my early twenties, I was ready for personal growth and change. I began transforming my environment; I actively pursued and developed associations that were in harmony with my, relational goals, my Spiritual, physical, and entrepreneurial goals.

If you desire personal growth and wellbeing, actively seek out those empowering relationships that will challenge you to change and become better. Personal growth and embracing change are not necessarily easy. To this day, I still experience growing pains as I venture out of my comfort zone.

Take a few moments right now to write down the five people you spend the most time with. Then rate their influence in your life as (5) very positive, (4) positive (3) neutral, (2) somewhat negative, and (1) very negative. Look over the list. Which people add value to you and which people tend to subtract from you? You want to see “5s” and “4s.” If your list consists of 2s and 1s, then you are going to need to make some tough but important decisions in the days ahead and create an environment that is conducive to growth and change.
