The Power of Teamwork and the Mastermind Group

The Power of Teamwork and the Mastermind Group is becoming important as companies grow in a diverse, global economy.

A mastermind is simply a gathering of a small group of individuals who meet weekly to learn and grow together with common goals.  A mastermind can be focused on a particular book that each participant is required to read and discuss with the group. A mastermind is led by a facilitator/instructor, that brings a short synopsis of the chapter being discussed each week and then facilitates an open discussion with the team. Just to be clear, this is not a lecture format, it’s an interactive group discussion where each participant is encouraged to share their perspectives.

According to Deloitte University Press, the “new organization,” is built around highly empowered teams, driven by a new model of management, and led by a breed of younger, more globally diverse leaders.” Deloitte goes on to say; “Fully 89 percent of executives in this year’s survey rated the need to strengthen, re-engineer, and improve organizational leadership as an important priority. The traditional pyramid-shaped leadership development model is simply not producing leaders fast enough to keep up with the demands of business and the pace of change.”  Full article here.

My experience with masterminds transports me back to 1989 when US Sprint was getting started. Fiber optics was becoming the new conduit for speed of light communications.  I joined the sales team of a company that contracted with Sprint to sell phone card subscriptions. The leader of our team formed a mastermind group and several of us assembled once a week to study and discuss Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich. For several weeks we read the chapters, did our homework, and met each Saturday morning to discuss what we learned. As the wise man, Solomon wrote; “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” And that we did. We discussed and bantered about the principles of Think and Grow Rich, and discussed our challenges, our personal goals, and our dreams.

The most powerful methodology for learning, personal growth, and group synergy is created in the environment of the Mastermind group. As the Deloitte article points out, companies in the new economy are building their organizations around highly empowered teams. Old school business leadership is centralized and compartmentalized.  The teamwork developed in a mastermind cultivates a collaborative environment and the synergy of ideas from group interaction. In this environment, team members communicate and relate to each other’s valuable experiences. They gain confidence and refine and sharpen their skills.

Key Benefits of a Mastermind Group:

  • Increase your own experience and confidence
  • Sharpen your business and personal skills
  • Add an instant and valuable support network
  • Get honest feedback, advice, and brainstorming
  • Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members
  • Study Leadership, Communications, and Growth principles/practices in a group setting create an action plan, and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals.
  • Receive critical insights into yourself
  • Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude
  • A sense of shared endeavor – there are others that can relate to me!

Want to experience a mastermind group in your company or organization? Please schedule your FREE introductory training with me. Click here to schedule your free event and we’ll create a mastermind training for you.

