Russell Wilson Super Bowl Winning Attitude – Why Not YOU?

Russell Wilson and his team are going to the Super Bowl!  I have to admit that during half-time, I did not believe the Seattle Seahawks could salvage the game and win.

It appeared that all odds were against Russell Wilson and the Seahawks as Green Bay literally trounced on them during the first three-quarters of Russell-WIlson-glorifies-God-transparentplay. But Russell Wilson along with the coaching staff and players never stopped believing. My friends and I watched in amazement as the last five minutes of the game miraculously unfolded. I was reminded of what Wilson’s Dad said to him and Russell’s response. “Why not you, Russ? You know, why not me? Why not me in the Super Bowl?”

As a role model, Russell Wilson sets an example of the power of faith and believing in his God-given talents. All of us 12s have the same access too. The essence of winning in life starts with a decision to simply believe. Wilson recognizes that he cannot do it alone. Our dreams become reality when we surround ourselves with a team that believes in a common goal.  Wilson first took seriously his Earthly father’s admonishment and dared to believe: “Why not me in the Super Bowl?” Most important, Wilson recognizes that faith in his heavenly Father is the foundation for every success in this life. Amazing is the power of intention and a moment that establishes our course in life. You and I may not be playing in the Superbowl, but each one of us is playing in the Superbowl of life.

Russell Wilson’s decision to believe: “Why not me?” reminded me of some of my own defining moments, one of them relating to my entrepreneurial pursuit, back in May of 1988. Spring had arrived along with a rare sunny Seattle day. On the way back to my truck, I stopped to soak up some vitamin D, enjoying the calm of the moment, midst the beautiful waterfront homes. As I gazed at the glistening reflections of the Sun rays dancing off the water I began reflecting on my own life and dreams. I wondered, “How do people live like this? Who are they?  Why not me?”

That defining moment was a russellutionary decision that changed my life when I decided to believe and take my business to the next level. WHY NOT YOU?
