Is Knowledge Power?

Is knowledge power?  I believe that applied knowledge is a lot more powerful.  Isn’t knowledge more beneficial when we practice, experience it, and share what we know?

Sixteenth-century, English philosopher, Sir Francis Bacon, coined the phrase “knowledge is power,” an often recited cliché in the world of success training and motivational speaking. Gaining knowledge is without a doubt important, but the application of knowledge is where the real power lies. Knowledge executed through the lens of experience moves us from theory to reality.

Like fuel, knowledge without a vehicle is toxic and dangerously flammable. The sun’s heat and energy will create or destroy. It is the “process and mechanism” of photosynthesis that harnesses the sun’s energy and creates life. Knowledge, like the sun’s energy, requires an environment and a process for developing your mindset and personal philosophy. As we learn and experience, we begin to develop a positive, success-philosophy mindset.

Is knowledge enough?  Are your dreams enough?  What is motivating you to achieve success in your life? Education and knowledge are not nearly enough. I believe a person is dynamic when motivated by a purpose and an unquenchable desire and when they create value for others and bring them along on the journey.

Take a few moments right now to jot down your top motivators. First of all, dig deep and think about WHY you want to succeed in your relationships, business, or health.  Next, create an environment for success.  Like photosynthesis, create your own systems and mechanisms for sustained growth. What is your plan, and how are you planning on achieving those goals? What tools and resources are you using? What are the daily actions necessary to progress toward your goals? And last, master yourself.  What do I mean?  We are our biggest obstacle.  Whether building a business or succeeding in the gym, self-mastery means being disciplined enough to do the daily activity.  Follow through. Master the seemingly insignificant daily actions toward achieving those goals and dreams. One day at a time, one step at a time, and you will progress toward your goals.

You might be thinking to yourself, “I want to make a six-figure income.”Dig deeper and ask yourself, “what would I do with freedom and a healthy six-figure income?  Bringing your spouse home from work, and having the freedom to be home with your children is a great place to start. How about contributing to your favorite cause?  Gaining knowledge and having a dream and goals is part of the process but it is the daily activity and application of what you learn and how you contribute to the lives of others that is powerful.
